Another Blog of Brandt Dary

Saturday, December 30, 2006

My Last Will and Testament

My Last Will and Testament
by brandt dary

Updated: 12/30/2006

Hello, If you're reading this... that means I'm dead. I've always wanted to type that. Okay I'm not dead... I have decided to post my will prior to my actual death. (or maybe I really am dead). IMPORTANT NOTE: I have not posted this because I plan on dying soon, but because every day 150,000 people die - and most of those people didn't think that day would be their day.

At this point I'm not sure how or when I'm going to die, but I know it's going to happen. So what is my will? My desire?

1. My will is that everybody reading this would join me in heaven. You always hear that people are in a 'better place' , but sadly that's not always true. Even those that think their going to heaven may not end up there (see Matthew 7:21-23). But as for me, I am in heaven1. My will is that you will also be in heaven. So the question you have to ask yourself is this "How do I go to heaven?" Visit to read the most simple biblical gospel presentation available.

2. If Ryan Dary is still alive, I would like him to deliver a Gospel presentation at my funeral. If Ryan is not alive, I'd prefer a member of GNN to preach at my funeral; maybe Colton Latta, Joe Kusack, dArrell wArren, or someone else that understands Biblical Evangelism.

3. I do NOT want an open casket.

4. I don't want ANY flowers at my funeral - they are a waste of money.

5. I want everyone to receive a Bible as a gift for coming to my funeral. Preferably an Evidence Bible if money is available.

6. I want the cheapest casket money can buy.

7. I want to be buried in clothes I already own, maybe blue jeans and a t-shirt.

8. I want a biblical gospel message printed on my tombstone or where my name is printed.

9. I want all of my stuff sold and the money given to pay off my debts. Unless someone of my family or friends wants or needs something that I had, then they can have it. Ryan Dary or Candi Steger decide who gets what.

10. I want my myspace page cleared of all content and replaced with this will and a gospel presentation, as well as links to Way of the Master so that others can learn how to share their faith biblically.

11. I want people to mourn only as long as they need (please, no more than a few months). Just repent and put your trust in Jesus and know that we'll see each other again.

12. I want Brandt to display a picture of me (the one mom took) and this will, and a gospel presentation.

13. I want my Computer given to my mom, she needs a better computer.

... all for now.

Contact the Author
(only available while I'm still alive)

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Naughty, Dirty Words... Good?

Words have meanings

I remember back in Junior High School when the word “bad” became good and the word gay meant “stupid”. The word “hella” was introduced to me and I figured out that it meant extremely… as in that guy is ‘hella tall’ (extremely tall). Maybe you’ve seen the ads on MySpace that say “It’s Nice to be Naughty” or heard about rappers with the word Nasty in their name. What about songs which talk about doing dirty things, and speak about it in a positive way?

Now I understand that words change over time, and that’s not really the point. For example bad becoming good; when people say “that’s bad!” (when looking at a really fancy car, for example) they are really saying “that’s good!”, they are not saying “that’s good (because it’s bad)”… does that make sense? The meaning of the word bad (temporarily) changed it’s meaning to actually mean “good”. For the purpose of this article, I’m not referring to words where the meanings have actually changed, but instead I’m talking about what our response is to certain words.

Is it nice to be naughty? No, of course it’s not. They mean different things. That’s like saying “it’s polite to be rude!” Suppose you were trying on clothes and you walked up to me and asked my opinion, if I said “You look terrible, absolutely disgusting!” Would you say, great thanks – and head towards the counter to purchase those clothes? Maybe, but that’s not really the issue either.

What is the issue? I’ll tell you. The problem is that the ads on myspace are actually trying to convince us that it’s ‘nice’ (good) to be naughty (bad). They are actually trying to convince us that if we were to meet a girl that was naughty, that would be a good thing. The songs that have the word ‘dirty’ in them, are actually attempting to make us think that doing ‘dirty’ things is right (good). The rapper with the word Nasty in his name, isn’t trying to change the meaning of the word. See, it’s not an issue of Nasty meaning something else… it’s an issue of the idea that Nasty (in all it’s nastiness) is a good thing. Being naughty is wrong, if someone is naughty then they need to change their actions and attitude. Being dirty and nasty isn’t a good thing.

What authority do I have to say what is and isn’t good? Common sense. You are smart enough to agree with me. You have a conscience that tells you the difference between right and wrong. Below are a few scenarios: soften your heart and use your conscience to determine if they are good or bad (nice or naughty).

You’re a parent: suppose you had a 15 year old daughter and she came up to you and asked for help shopping. She told you that there was a guy at school that she wanted to impress, so she needed to go to the store and get some real naughty clothing so she could look like a whore and attract this guy by looking as nasty and dirty as possible. Your daughter says that all the other girls look super sluty, so she’s really going to have some competition to get this guys attention! (good or bad?)

Or suppose your son came up to you and said “I’m so excited, I’ve met this hot chick at school. She’s a naughty little girl with a dirty mind! The football team says she’s super easy and she does the nastiest things on the first date! I don’t know her name, but can I have a few bucks for some condoms and beer?” (right or wrong?)

What would the correct response be as a parent? Would it be, “Oh son / daughter, I’m so proud of you for understanding your feelings and going after them. Let’s take care of your needs so that you can go have fun?” No. Of course it wouldn’t be, right? There is a right and a wrong and we all know it. (example: Question: When is it okay to rape someone? Answer: NEVER!) God wrote His laws on our hearts and gave us a conscience (con = with, science = knowledge). Some people may have very seared consciences but this is only because they’ve gone against what they know is right so many times.

If you disagree with me on the above… there’s a good reason. But instead of beating around the bush, let me ask you a question. This question may seem like it’s off topic, but in fact, it’s not. It involves another word that is open for interpretation – Good.

Would you consider yourself to be a good person? Most people say yes. The question is who or what are they comparing themselves to when determining their goodness. Compared to Hitler, you are probably a good person. But what about compared to your friends, boss, or parents? Whose standards are you using to determine your goodness? What about if you compared yourself to God’s standard of ‘goodness’ – the 10 Commandments. (By the way, I’m not a good person when compared to this standard).

Let’s look at His standard and see if you’re still good. We’ll just look at half of the commandments starting with number 9 – “You shall not lie”, have you ever told a lie? Yeah, me too. And what are you called if you’ve lied (specifically)? A liar. The eighth one is “You shall not steal” (not talking about stealing in baseball) – have you ever taken something that didn’t belong to you (such as stealing music off the internet, sneaking into a movie, not working while you’re being paid)? If you’ve stolen then by definition you’re a thief. The seventh commandment is “You shall not commit adultery” , Jesus magnified that law and clarified it for us telling us that even if we look with lust, we’ve committed this sin in our hearts (see Matthew 5:27). What about the 3rd commandment, “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vein” (which is also clarified in the bible as mis-using God’s name) Have you ever done that? That’s called blasphemy. If you’ve lied, stolen, looked with lust, or mis-used God’s name, then by your own admission you’re a liar, a thief and a blasphemous adultery-at-heart by God’s standards. Why does this matter? Keep reading…

So you’ve broken God’s Law… just like everyone else (Romans 3:23)… what’s the big deal? Here’s the big deal, the bible says that it’s appointed once for you to die (as in life over) and then face judgment. God’s law is the standard by which you’ll be judged, and God doesn’t grade on a curve. The bible tells us that all liars have their part in the lake of fire (Revelations 21:8), and that no thief, adulterer, nor fornicator will inherit the kingdom of heaven. So can you see that if God judges you by His standard you’d be guilty and end up in hell? Now that’s bad (meaning BAD). I don’t want you to go to hell, and likely you don’t want to either. But the most important thing is that God doesn’t want you to either. Do you know what God did so that you wouldn’t have to get what we deserve? God became a man in Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, to live a sinless life and suffer and die on the cross to take our punishment. Sin, the bible says, is transgression of the law. No sin will be forgiven without the shedding of blood (that’s just God’s way – not for us to argue with, but rather live – or die with). Our blood won’t work because we are sinners. But Jesus Christ was beaten and bruised for our sins. We broke the law and He paid our find. That’s good news. The bible says that if we repent (confess and forsake our sins) and put our faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, then we’ll be born again (a spiritual re-birth) and be saved from God’s wrath on judgment day. Please, don’t put this off, get right with God today. Repent and put your faith in Jesus, then start reading God’s Word (the bible) and obey what you read. If you procrastinate about this and die in your sins without having repented and putting your faith in Jesus Christ, then you’ll go to hell for eternity – and that would be hella bad (as in extremely not good).

~ brandt dary

Saturday, September 16, 2006

A Message for Girls...

This is a message for all girls. Predominately for girls 13 – 30 , but also any age that applies.

Hello Girls,

This is a message to you, a girl, from a 23 year old single guy. I am not writing this message to try to tell you what to do, but rather to bring something to your attention about us guys. I am going to tell you something that you may already know... or it may be a surprise to you. I'm going to talk openly about your bodies and I pray that you will understand my intentions and know that I am not trying to be rude or coarse. Please hear my heart in this message and don't be upset with my words... my goal is two-fold, I am trying to help girls, and guys. You'll understand more after you've read this message.

I've been a member of the popular social networking site MySpace and also the less popular 'meeting' site, Hot or Not. While browsing around on these sites, I've noticed something that I (now) consider quite strange. What is it that I have seen that has been so strange? Cleavage... and lots of it! Many girls like to show off their bodies by showing their breasts and cleavage in their pictures. I have found it interesting that on both of these sites, girls are allowed to choose their 'primary' picture, that is the picture that they want guys (and other girls) to see first. This is the picture that they (possibly) feel best represents them. Very often, the primary picture of theirs will be of their breasts ... sure, the picture might include their smiling face, but guys wont see that first. Girls, is that really how you want us to see you? What I mean to say is this... is that the order you want us to look at you? First your body, then your face... and then... much later - your personality?

Now this message isn't to guys... so I wont talk about how we, as guys, need to try our best to not do that... but rather, I am asking you girls (for your own good and ours) to help us. Do you think that a prostitue is a respectable occupation for girls? Of course not! A prostitute (whore, slut, hooker, whatever you call it) is a disgraceful thing! I hope you agree. Think about how they dress. Usually in a very "sexy" way in order to cause guys to look at them lustfully, and hopefully "buy". Do you want to be likened to a prostitue? I hope not... a wise phrase to remember is this "If you're not in business, don't advertise!" That is to say, if you don't want guys looking at you in a sexy way, help us out by not dressing so sexy.

Recently I was out with a very nice girl and the issue of tattoos came up. She revealed to me that she had a "lower back" tattoo. I asked her why she got it there. I'm not sure that I beleive her answer, but maybe it's true, and maybe you have the same answer as she did. She said that she got it because she thought that it "was a cute place [for a tattoo]." Is that your reason? Or did you get one there (or are considering getting one there) because you KNOW that guys think it's sexy? Did you know that? Guys think that's incredibly sexy (all that I've talked to anyways...) I've heard some guys define that as a "target" (which for the purpose of this e-mail I wont define). Is that how you want to be thought of?

Isn't it good that Guys would look at you this way? (you might be thinking)

No. It isn't... why not? You may be asking. Well, speaking about good... maybe this topic will make more sense if we discuss something else for just a few moments. The question of Good depends on the standard that you use. If you're a prostitue, then isn't it good that guys look at you with lust. Well Yes and No... it is "good" for business, and "bad" for everything else. Girl who is reading this page... you might look "good" but do you consider yourself to be a "Good Person?" What about "GOOD" according to a higher standard. A standard like the 10 Commandments? Take a few moments to look at them and answer them in your head (or out loud).

Here they are: 10, You shall not Covet - Have you ever coveted? Wanted something of someone else? 9 You shall not lie - Have you ever told a lie? (telling just one lie, makes you a liar by definition). 8 Have you ever stolen anything? (Be honest. If you have that makes you a thief). 7. You shall not comitt adultery - Not married? Did you know that Jesus said that "whoever looks at a woman to lust after her, has comitted adultery in his heart already" (see Matthew 5:27). That means that if you have looked with Lust you've comitted adultery according to God's standards. What about if you cause a guy to look at you with lust (or at least HELP him) - do you think that is right? 6. You shall not murder - did you know that Jesus said whoever hates others or calls someone a "fool" is in danger of judgement. 5. Honor your Father and Mother - if you are dressing in a sexy way, flashing your cleavage all around the internet (and real life) do you think that is honorable to your parents? i'm not asking if they know about it or care, I'm asking if it's "honorable"... if you're not sure, think about your 16 year old daughter dressing that way - if it'd be fine, consider the rest of your life - is that honorable to them? What about the 3rd commandment - Thou shall not mis-use the name of the Lord their God - have you ever misused God's name? Do you replace swear words with the name of God or Jesus? The bible says God will not hold them guiltless who takes His name in vein. Let's stop there for a moment.

How are you doing? By the way (I am guilty too... remember what I said, I'm not trying to point fingers here, just share my heart). So how did you do? If you've broken just one of His laws, the bible tells us you're guilty of breaking them all. Imagine God's Law like a chain that you're hanging on to get into heaven. If you're perfect, then God will pul you right up, the problem is that if you break just one law, that's like breaking a link in the chain - it doesn't matter how many others you haven't broken, you'll surely fall. Did you know that the Bible says "it's appointed once for us to die, and then face judgement" how will you do? You might say "that's up to God" and you're right, but he has given us a preview of what we can expect. Do you think you'd be innocent or guilty? If you're honest, the answer is guilty. If you're guilty do you think that God would let you into heaven or send you to hell. If you're honest again (although it may be hard) the answer is Hell.

I don't want that, and I'm pretty sure you don't want that. But the good news is, that God doesn't want that either. If you think God would just let you in because He's a good God then you'll be shocked. Because of God's goodness he must punish Sin (Sin by the way, is breaking God's Law). So if he gives you what you deserve, you'll (and I'll) end up in Hell. But do you know what God did so that you wouldn't have to go to hell? You probably do... but maybe it's never made sense to you before. You've heard that "God so loved the world, that He gave His only Begotten son..." You may have heard it said before that Jesus Christ died for your sins... but maybe, kike paul who said "I had not known sin, but by the Law" (see Romans 7:7), you had not fully understood your sins - so that you would fully understand what Jesus' death meant. The bible says that God commanded his love towards the world, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Do you know what you must do to "take part" in that gift of salvation. The bible also makes that clear. You must repent and Believe in Jesus. Not just believe, because the Devil believes and trembles, but believe that He alone is what is allowing you to go to heaven when you die. You broke the chain, there is no hope for only you (or I) to get into heaven without Jesus. He is the way, the truth, and the life - and as He said - no one comes to the Father, but through him. So please, Repent (which means confess and forsake your sins - including sexy outfits) and put your Faith (trust, belief, hope) in the one that died to save you. You've heard it said "what if you died tonight?" but seriously think about it.... what if you did? I don't want you to go to hell, and I hope you don't either.

IF you think you wont becuse you don't beleive in God... trying standing on a freeway during rush-hour and not believing in Cars. The God I'm talking about is the God who created this world, the God of Truth. Don't resist it any longer, I beg you, humble yourself and repent and turst in Jesus alone for your salvation.

"What does all this have to do with the way I dress?" I belive it's got everything to do with it. If the way you dress is a spider web, then sin is the spider. If we want to get rid of the web, the best approach would be to get rid of the spider. The bible says that the things of God are foolishness to those that are perishing - so once you repent , you'll start to understand the issue of dress (and lust) more clearly. I pray that you'll think long (but fast) and hard about this, as it (Salvation, not the way you dress) is the most important choice you'll make in this lifetime.

God's Will Be Done. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

~ brandt

Monday, August 07, 2006

It's one thing to joke about coffee...

I saw a man enter the building carrying two coffee drinks from Starbucks. It was 4:15 and I was sitting at my post in the lobby of the insurance company where I worked as a security guard. He told me that he wanted to surprise his wife and asked if I would call her and just let her know that she had a delivery in the lobby. I called her extension but because she was on the phone, someone else answered so I gave them the message to give to her.

What a caring thing of this husband to do; to bring his wife a cool drink on a hot day. He patiently waited, as he knew that she was busy with work. After about a half hour of waiting, I offered to call again, to make sure she had gotten the message. When she didn't answer, I joked with him that if she didn't come down, I'd be happy to accept one of the drinks myself. I talked with him a bit more and then he went back to reading a magazine. A few minutes later I asked him if he wanted me to e-mail her, just so we could be sure that she knew there was someone waiting for her. He said that it was okay, he'd wait about ten minutes longer then leave. I thought to myself, how sad; What a kind thing this guy is doing for his wife, and some circumstance is causing her not to receive his jester. At 5:15, one hour after he arrived, the man gave up, so to speak, and left the building. He said to me, "Well, I tried... I'll guess I'll just see her when she gets home."

What a kind and loving thing that husband did for his wife. After a long hard day at work, the first thing he thought of was how he could do something nice for his wife. He used others to get the message to her, but for some reason or another she didn't receive it. I am certain that if she would have understood that her loving husband was waiting in the lobby to give her the drink, she would have thankfully come down to receive it - she must not have gotten the message.

About 3 minutes after he left the building, I saw him walking back towards the door - this time with only one coffee drink in his hand. He opened the door, and walked over to were I was sitting and gave me the drink. I said thank you to him, and asked what happened. Apparently, she was already at home and there was some sort of miscommunication. I laughed in my head because I knew that the only reason he gave it to me was that I had joked about it.

Isn't it interesting how timing and joking works. There is another issue where timing is extremely important, but joking isn't quite as beneficial. From the day we are born God is trying to get a hold of us. He is trying to let us know that He is here (through Creation). He's also uses other people (the Bible writers) to try to get the message to us, of how he's ready to forgive us for our sins (Breaking his 10 Commandments - Lying, stealing, Adultery, etc.) which we know are wrong because He gave us a conscience (the knowledge of what is right and wrong). It's no funny joke to be living a sinful life. To God, it is a serious crime - with a punishment of death and eternity in Hell. But God patiently waits for us to understand that He has done something very kind (and undeserved) for us. He's waiting for us to repent, and receive the merciful gift that He's given us through Jesus Christ. Maybe there has been an error in communication getting the truth to us, but a time will come when our time is up. Timing is important - without warning, our life could be over, and if we die without repenting of our sinful ways and putting our trust in Jesus Christ alone for our salvation, our experience 3 minutes after we die will be much less desirable than receiving a cool coffee drink.

Please think about this question. Are you 100% sure that if you died tonight, you'd go to heaven? If you're not sure, confess your sins to God today(all of them, lying, stealing, looking with lust, etc. See the 10 commandments, and use your conscience for help). Apologize (to God) for them and ask for His forgiveness. Forsake your sins (abandon them, turn away from them towards God) - this is repentance. Then understand that Jesus Christ (God in the flesh) was beaten and bruised for your sins. He suffered for you. You broke the law, and Jesus paid the fine for you, so that when your Judgment day comes, His righteousness will be credited to you - and you will be innocent (because of Him) and not have to receive the just punishment for your life of "crime" (sin), which is a (multiple) life sentence in Hell - with no hope of getting out early for "good" behavior.

Think about that! Really think about it. Don't fall asleep tonight without thinking about that - please. This is an issue where timing is eternally important, and it's clearly no joking matter. The bible says it's appointed once for man to die, and then face judgment. God commands all men everywhere to repent, because a day is coming when the world will be judged in righteousness. None of us are good enough to "pass" on that day, which is why we must repent, and put our Faith in Jesus Christ to save us.

My goal is not to shove my "beliefs" down your throat, but believe me, if I could, and it meant you would be saved from hell, I would do it in a heart beat. Your salvation is not up to me, if it were, I wouldn't be writing this blog. But God commands me to preach the gospel to every living creature! So please, don't be offended by my blog - but rather understand my motives. I don't want you to go to hell. I don't want anyone to go to hell (and neither does God).

Your Friend,
Brandt Dary

P.S. To fellow Christians: If you're not sure why I use the Law (the 10 Commandments) in evangelism, it is because the bible says the Law is the schoolmaster, which leads people to Christ. It is by the Law that others gain an understanding of Sin - and how sinful they are. Without the Law , Paul said, he would not have known sin. To learn more about the use of the Law in evangelism, listen to (or watch) Hell's Best Kept Secret, by Christian author Ray Comfort.
(This teaching has been commended by such leaders as Bill Bright, of Campus Crusade for Christ as well as Dr. D. James Kennedy, and many more.)

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Friday, August 04, 2006

Super Powers

The other night I was eating at IHOP (International House Of Pancakes) and talking with my friend Patrick. I guess what I was saying was funny because the two girls at a neighboring table began laughing. One of them turned around and apologized to me for laughing, but I told them that I didn't mind. I thought to myself, I am glad they did because I wanted to share the gospel with them, but I wasn't sure how I was going to approach them to bring up a conversation.

I started to talk with them about natural things, before moving to spiritual things. I talked to them about their meal, were they lived, their jobs, school, and stuff like that. At one point in our conversation the mood was lightened when one of the girls knoced over her water all over the table and in the seat of her friend.

Then I began talking about spiritual things (I forget how exactly I transitioned) but it came up that one of the girls was a professing Athiest "who kind of believed in a higher power", but not what most think of as God. I asked her where she thought the world came from and she responded that "the world made itself". That was easily proven silly, and from there we moved on. I asked her friend, who professed to be a Christian / Catholic who leaned more towards Catholism, how the world was created and she said that she believed in "Revolution". I smiled and asked her if she meant Evolution, and she firmly stated that she meant Revolution. She told me that she believed things revolved. I said that she is right, the world does revolve, but that doesn't answer the question of how it was made. I took the time to prove to her without using faith or the bible that God (or a Creator) does exist. (See WayOfTheMaster for proof of God)

I then continued with the athiest, I asked her if she would take the Good Test, and she said yes. I asked her if she considered herself to be a good person, to which she replied that she did. I took her through the law and she confessed to being a lying thief, and a blasphemous adulterer-at-heart. I asked her if on Judgement day God would find her Innocent or Guilty based on His Law. She reasoned that she didn't believe it would matter, because she didn't believe in God. I told her that our belief doesn't effect reality. I gave her the example that if I were out on the freeway playing around, I would still be in grave danger even if I didn't belive cars existed.

She understood the analogy, but still wasn't concerned with her fate (or at least didn't appear to be). She and her friend had to leave so I gave them a Million Dollar Bill gospel tract, and thanked them for talking with me. About six months ago, I would have been very disappointed with this witness encounter, because I would have seen it as a failure. I used to think that it was all about seeing people "get it" - that is understand their need to repent and put their faith in Jesus. But I now know that it's not about that, my job is to go and simply plant the seed.

I used to wish that I had super powers that would help me help pepole. I now believe that my sense of humor is my super power. Humor has opened up the door to have so many great conversations with people, and talk about issues of eternal importance. Do you have a Super Power? I bet you do! God has given you a gift that you can use to go and share the glorious gospel of salvation. If you can't figure out what your powers are yet, use your arms and mouth*. Learn how to share the gospel simply, biblically, effectively - the way Jesus did (clcik here), and get a hold of some gospel tracts and start passing them out. Start opening your mouth to your friends, family members, and strangers and tell them the Good News (not Geico). Remember, with great power comes great responsibility - so although you can't swing around the city on spider webs, or fly faster than a speeding bullet - you can use your mouth and hands to lead people to the true Super Hero - the One who rescued the whole world, Jesus Christ.

Up, up, and away!

~ Brandt Dary

* If you don't have hands, or a mouth, you can still serve God. Talk with your pastor for ideas about how you can spread the gospel.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My Leroy Story on the Radio!

I was going to post a blog today about Lance Bass from 'N Sync being gay... But I changed my mind.

I was listening to the 2nd hour of the July 24th episode of Way Of The Master Radio with Kirk Cameron, Ray Comfort, and Todd Friel, and I was shocked and excited to hear that a story that I sent in was read on the air.

Todd Friel read my story about Leroy (A Terrible Thing To Witness). It is a story about me witnessing to a homeless man after he gets brutally stabbed. The story is an example of how ridiculous the watered-down man-centered gospel sounds, especially when taken to an extreme. Check it out, you can download the mp3 and listen to my story. It's right after the "news" in the beginning, about 4 minutes into it.

I sure hope that Todd read my whole blog... otherwise, he must think I'm insane (I pretty sure he knows I'm not)! Anyways, take a listen - and check out to learn how to share the biblical gospel, simply, effectively, the way Jesus did.

~ brandt

Monday, July 17, 2006

A Terrible Thing To Witness


Last Sunday night I was in the mood for something sweet. I decided to go to the store to get some brownies. On my way in I saw a man who looked like a bum, he wasn't even wearing a shirt. He had a tattoo of a naked woman on his chest and he was wearing a gold cross. He approached me and asked if I could "Spare some change". I told him that I didn't carry change, but that I would give him five dollars if he would promise me that he wouldn't by drugs or beer with it. He promised, so I gave him the money, and off I went. I told him that I gave him the money because God told me it's good to give to those that beg, and again, he said thank you. I asked him what his name was and told him mine. He said his name was Leroy. I saw a group of guys approaching Leroy, so I said good-bye, went into the store.

I found my brownies, and proceeded to the checkout line. While standing in the check out line, I could hear the man talking, rather yelling, with the group of guys outside. I could hear that these men were calling this man a homeless fool and swearing at him. I heard Leroy shout, "Don't spit on me!" I placed my brownies on the checkout and began to walk outside to see what was going on. As I was about 20 feet from the door, I heard Leroy scream at the top of his lungs, then again.

I began to run out the door but suddenly Leroy was running inside the store, we met just inside the entrance. Leroy had blood all over his face and hands. I could see that he had been stabbed twice, once in the stomach, and in the chest. I yelled at the store clerk to call the police.

Leroy was spilling out blood all over the place. I caught him as he fell to the ground, and now had his blood all over my hands. I didn't know what to do, this guy was going to be dead in 3 minutes! The cops wouldn't make it in time.

He looked up at me and mumbled, "Brandt... You mentioned... God... You said you knew him... please, tell me - I'm about to die - how can I get into heaven." Wow, what an opportunity, I love to tell people about God, so I said this to him.

Leroy, if you want to go to heaven, you've got to come check out my church - it's awesome, the pastor is hilarious, and the band is great. They give away free coffee and worship service isn't too long. Plus, after church we all go out and see a movie.

Leroy looked a bit puzzled, he said "Brandt... I'm dying! I don't think I'll be able to come to your church..."

Ahh, that makes sense... I didn't think about that. "Fear not," I thought to myself, I know how to share the love of God, I've heard my pastor many times, I can do this!" So I said to Leroy "Leroy, do you ever feel like you've got a God shaped whole in your heart? Do you ever feel like things aren't going that well for you... like you'd like more money, or success, or better relationships in your life? Do you feel like your job isn't fulfilling you, or that you are lonely and need a buddy?" He didn't respond, so I just continued, I knew how to tell someone about the love of Jesus, because I heard it at church... "Leroy" I said, "Jesus loves you, and he has a wonderful plan for your life! Don't you know that God is your friend and he wants you to go to heaven! All you have to do is accept Jesus into your heart. Just say this prayer "God I want to accept Jesus into my heart"

Leroy had lost a lot of blood, it was all over the floor and running down his chest, he was about to leave time, and go off into eternity. I saw that he couldn't speak, so I just said to him "Leroy, I'll just ask you a question, and with your last ounce of strength, nod your head if you agree" Do you want to accept Jesus into your heart?" He nodded his head up and down once, and then it feel to the ground, and he died.

End of Story

Did I give Leroy the biblical gospel? Did Jesus really have a wonderful plan for his life? Is that all it takes to go to heaven is just to say a little prayer that is about accepting Jesus into your life? Did I do the right thing in the above story? the answer to all of those questions is NO. What would you do if someone only had three minutes to live? What about 5 minutes? What about a day, or a week, or a month? What about the fact that we all don't know how long we'll live, we could die at any moment. Did you know that 150,000 people die every day? Do you care? Here's a better question, do you care enough to DO anything?

Listen to 3 Minutes to Live by Ray Comfort to learn how to share the information people will need if they don't want to go to hell. It's a 1 hour free audio message that you need to hear! Please, if you're a Christian, you NEED to hear this message. Click HEREto listen.

If you're NOT a Christian, please go to this website, and take this quick quiz to see what will happen when you die:

Your Friend
~ Brandt

P.S. If you're wondering why all I talk about is God.. Please care enough to do something about it. Listen to that above audio message and you'll be closer to understanding.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Hey, it's not my kid

Here's a story.

Last Sunday, when it was nice out, I was sitting out by the pool at my apartment complex. I wasn't swimming, I was just out there, reading a good book. It was great, I was just sitting there, reading my book and drinking some lemonade. I was the only one there in the pool area, it was so peaceful. I even saw the owner of the complex walk by and I praised him for how pleasant his pool was. Everything was great, just sitting their relaxing, life was good.

Then, as I was about to turn the page, I heard a little kid laughing, I looked up from my book to see him at the edge of the pool. This little guy looked to be about 1 years old and he was leaning over the edge of the pool sucking up water and then spitting it back into the pool. I thought that it was kind of gross, but I didn't care because I was just there to read my book (by the way, this book that I was reading was really good!). As I was about to go back to reading my book, I was distracted when I heard a quick scream and a splash.

This little one year old had fallen into the pool. I was thankful that his splash didn't get me or my book wet. He was flapping his arms around trying not to sink, while at the same time he was just yelling! Eventually, he could flap no more and I saw that his head went under. I got up to look and saw that he had sunken to the very bottom of the pool, it makes sense I guess. I returned to my comfortable chair and as I sat down I looked in the pool and saw bubbles coming up, and then all the sudden the bubbles stopped. I would have helped the little guy, but hey, I was reading a good book and after all - it wasn't my kid.

The End

Did I make the right choice? Do you understand why I just decided to sit back down and read, knowing that this little child was drowning? Does it make any difference if I didn't know this child? Hopefully you're saying "NO! Absolutely not, you made a terrible, selfish, stupid choice and now a little boy is dead because of you!" Even though I didn't cause his problem, I certainly could have helped him by throwing him the life savior. Well - that was just a story (as I said), but what would you opinion be of me if I had actually let that happen? What about if I told you that the good book I was reading was called "How To Be A Life Gaurd: The Secret to Saving People From Drowning". What would you think of me? Now, let me ask you a few questions.

Do you know anyone that isn't saved? Are you spending your Sunday's sitting in a comfortable chair at church reading the Good Book, and praising the Owner (of this world)? Are you aware that every day about 150,000 people are dying. Are you reading a Good book that God provided us that tells us how and why we need to seek out and save the lost? Sure it's true that you can't save them, but you can certainly throw them the Live Saver (Jesus).


Just as I was writing this blog, here at work, the Janitor (who we'll call Karen) came in to get the trash. I quickly though, how hypocritical would it be for me to be writing this article and just let Karen leave without telling her the truth. The other night, we had started to talk about spiritual things, but was interpreted twice, once by the end of her lunch break, and a second time by another co-worker, so I knew now was my time to continue the conversation.

You can tell that the devil was trying to make me fearful talking with her, because as she came in the first words out of her mouth were "I'm sure glad you're not like some other previous security guards we've had." I asked her "Why is that, what did they do that you didn't like?" She said "they would always bother us". I knew that what I had to tell her was important, so I said, "Well, that's ironic that you would say that, because I wanted to ask you a question" She replied oh, that's no bother, I meant they would bother us by always calling us on the phones."

So I said to her, "The other night you had mentioned that when you die, you would go to heaven." Then I asked her "Does everyone go to heaven?"

"Yes" She said.

"What about [Adolph] Hitler?" I asked.

"Oh, Well... Hitler," she paused, "I think he'll go to Hell"

I asked her "Why would Hitler go to Hell, was it because he wasn't good enough?" To which she shook her head and said "Yes"

I asked her, "what's the standard of good?" She admitted that she didn't know, so I told her that it was God's Law, the Ten Commandments. I know the value of someone realizing that they (personally) are guilty, so I reminded her that the other night she admitted to me that she had broken the 9th, 8th, 3rd, and 7th Commandments, thereby making her a lying, thieving, blasphemous adultery-at-at heart who has to face God on judgment day. And I asked her if she would be innocent or guilty? She said that everybody would be guilty, and then admitted that she was included in everybody.

I asked her if God should just "look the other way" and let a guilty person into heaven. The Holy Spirit was certainly convicting her because she was fidgeting and wiped her eyes as she soberly said "Well, I guess I'll go to hell then, since that's what I deserve" She had fallen into the pool, and she knew she was in danger, now it was time for me to lovingly throw her the Savior.

I asked her if she had any idea what God did so that she wouldn't have to go to Hell? She said No. I told her that God so loved the world, that he gave His only son (she quietly said "Jesus") Jesus so that whoever would trust in him for salvation would not perish, but have everlasting life. I told her that God commanded His love towards the world in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

I told her that I am risking my job telling her about this because, although I barely know her, I didn't want her to end up in Hell. I pleaded with her that before her head hits the pillow tonight, to think about all the sins she has committed against God and then to think about Jesus Christ dying on the cross to take the punishment for those sins.

She said that if she thought about all the sins she committed, she might die in her sleep. To which I replied, that is why you need to get right with God today, for you have no guarantee in tomorrow. I told her that God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble, and that if she, or I, thought that we deserve to go to heaven, then we are being (unjustly) proud before God, but that we must humble ourselves and see us in our true light, and then repent and flee to Jesus because He was so kind to die on the cross for us.

This whole conversation took about 7 minutes, and then she left and went back to work. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will make what I said, what the Bible says, clear to her. That she will see the reason that Jesus is our savior, and that she will repent and place her faith in Jesus alone for her salvation. In the name of Jesus, Amen!

By the Law is the knowledge of sin (Romans 7:7). It is very important to talk to people about SIN (and the bad news) before you share Jesus (the Good news) with them. It must be Law to the proud, and Grace to the humble. One reason you might not throw the Live Saver to people more often, is because you're not sure how... Listen to "Hell's Best Kept Secret" to learn how to share the gospel simply, biblically, effectively, the way Jesus did. Please GO SHARE YOUR FAITH, WHILE YOU STILL HAVE TIME.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Have you been Born Again?

At work again today. If you didn't know, I'm a security gaurd. While on 'lunch' the other day, I drew this picture. It's pretty self explanitory. Check it out, click on it, for a larger image.

Are you born again? Do you know that if you died today, and you're not born again, you will not see heaven. This tells us two things; People don't get judged in heaven, (Hebrews 9:27) because we know that it's appointed once for a man to die, and then face judgement. The second thing that you can know for sure if you're not "born again" is that you will spend eternity in Hell. That's terrible! Find out how to be born again, and do it now! Take this test all the way through, to see why and how you need to be born again.

Have a good Sunday!

Your Friend,
~ Brandt Dary

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Brandt Dary's First Blog

Welcome to the official blog of Brandt Dary, me. I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to use this blog for, but until I figure it out you can learn more about me at my webstie or myspace. Visit them now.
Brandt Dary's Official Website

~ Brandt Dary