Another Blog of Brandt Dary

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Have you been Born Again?

At work again today. If you didn't know, I'm a security gaurd. While on 'lunch' the other day, I drew this picture. It's pretty self explanitory. Check it out, click on it, for a larger image.

Are you born again? Do you know that if you died today, and you're not born again, you will not see heaven. This tells us two things; People don't get judged in heaven, (Hebrews 9:27) because we know that it's appointed once for a man to die, and then face judgement. The second thing that you can know for sure if you're not "born again" is that you will spend eternity in Hell. That's terrible! Find out how to be born again, and do it now! Take this test all the way through, to see why and how you need to be born again.

Have a good Sunday!

Your Friend,
~ Brandt Dary


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