Another Blog of Brandt Dary

Saturday, December 30, 2006

My Last Will and Testament

My Last Will and Testament
by brandt dary

Updated: 12/30/2006

Hello, If you're reading this... that means I'm dead. I've always wanted to type that. Okay I'm not dead... I have decided to post my will prior to my actual death. (or maybe I really am dead). IMPORTANT NOTE: I have not posted this because I plan on dying soon, but because every day 150,000 people die - and most of those people didn't think that day would be their day.

At this point I'm not sure how or when I'm going to die, but I know it's going to happen. So what is my will? My desire?

1. My will is that everybody reading this would join me in heaven. You always hear that people are in a 'better place' , but sadly that's not always true. Even those that think their going to heaven may not end up there (see Matthew 7:21-23). But as for me, I am in heaven1. My will is that you will also be in heaven. So the question you have to ask yourself is this "How do I go to heaven?" Visit to read the most simple biblical gospel presentation available.

2. If Ryan Dary is still alive, I would like him to deliver a Gospel presentation at my funeral. If Ryan is not alive, I'd prefer a member of GNN to preach at my funeral; maybe Colton Latta, Joe Kusack, dArrell wArren, or someone else that understands Biblical Evangelism.

3. I do NOT want an open casket.

4. I don't want ANY flowers at my funeral - they are a waste of money.

5. I want everyone to receive a Bible as a gift for coming to my funeral. Preferably an Evidence Bible if money is available.

6. I want the cheapest casket money can buy.

7. I want to be buried in clothes I already own, maybe blue jeans and a t-shirt.

8. I want a biblical gospel message printed on my tombstone or where my name is printed.

9. I want all of my stuff sold and the money given to pay off my debts. Unless someone of my family or friends wants or needs something that I had, then they can have it. Ryan Dary or Candi Steger decide who gets what.

10. I want my myspace page cleared of all content and replaced with this will and a gospel presentation, as well as links to Way of the Master so that others can learn how to share their faith biblically.

11. I want people to mourn only as long as they need (please, no more than a few months). Just repent and put your trust in Jesus and know that we'll see each other again.

12. I want Brandt to display a picture of me (the one mom took) and this will, and a gospel presentation.

13. I want my Computer given to my mom, she needs a better computer.

... all for now.

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(only available while I'm still alive)


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